How to use Website is pretty much simple to use, as it makes use of the blog style, once you visit the homepage at . You will see Latest job vacancies listed. To view older job listing, scroll down  to the bottom of the homepage, you will be able to see “More News” or You can navigate to different pages at the very bottom of the home page.
Browse by category
You can select the category of Job you want to browse about by checking on the right panel for the category drop-down widget, you can search for administrative jobs, engineering jobs, medical, etc by selecting your desired category.
Search for a Term
You can as well search for a term by typing the term into the search box at the right end of the header beside the website logo, and then press enter on you keyboard, for example if you want to search for any information on Standard Chartered Bank on the website, type in “Standard Chartered Bank” into the search box and press enter on your keyboard, it will then yield you latest information posted about Standard Chartered Bank on our website.
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